Compañía Nacional de Danza
The term aksak pervades the entire performance. Aksak is a Turkish word meaning ‘lame’, and it is an irregular rhythm, typical of Balkan folk music, originating from primitive popular dances.
It is not a recreation of folklore or manners but a feeling of oppression and isolation that underlies the entire work. From beneath this tension, man seeks to find suitable conditions allowing him to break beyond the barriers of reason in order to reach something more elevated.
The plot in this work plays an essentially structural role; the content is secondary and limited to a few basic concepts that refer to Plato’s Myth of the Cave.
Aksak, with a proportion of 2/3, is applied to all of the aspects of the work and it plays an essential role in the compositional processes. The temporary processes are rhythmic, melodic, formal or structural and they at all times create a result that can be heard, always through sensation, a priority element in this creation alongside time: both sensation and time are the common denominators of the worlds of Dance and Music.
Premiered on 25 June 2010 at Teatro de la Zarzuela (Spain)
Choreography: Gentian Doda
Original Music: Çezar Aliaj
Set Design: Susana Riazuelo
Costume Design: Jaime Roque de la Cruz
Lighting Design: Nicolas Fischtel
Artistic Collaborator: Dimo Milev
Photographies: Fernando Marcos