From the outset, Gentian’s artistic practice has been dedicated to exploring the inner conflicts individuals face within the latent contradictions of contemporary society. Central to his work is the effort to shed light on these tensions, making them both visible and tangible.

While drawing inspiration from the past and collective memory, he connects it to the present, particularly focusing on migratory movements and constant change—elements that offer a historical lens for understanding today. Just as his artistic practice, rooted on contemporary aesthetics and poetics, seems all the time reminiscent of past ones.

After having been Chief Ballet Master and co-directing alongside the Intendant Nacho Duato at Staatsballett Berlin, he recently founded the international collective of artists ‘was bleibt kollektiv | Gentian Doda’, and he ventured into the film and installation world, with immediate success.

His first short film ‘Gjurmë’/‘Trails’ directed alongside Dimo Milev, received extraordinary recognition in international film festivals, and he recently took part in the Biennale di Venezia Arte 2024, collaborating with the Mexican Pavilion.

His creative work is acclaimed by public and dance critics and it has brought him several choreographic and film awards: First Choreographic Awards in Copenhagen and Hannover, Scapino Production Prize, Best direction at WILDsound Festival, Best Experimental Short at European Short Film Festival, Finalist at New European Bauhaus Prices 2023 (among others).

Born in Tirana (AL), Gentian Doda started dancing in some of the most prestigious European companies, working with choreographers: Nacho Duato, Mats Ek, Jiri Kylian, William Forsythe, Ohad Naharin, Wim Vandekeybus, Maurice Béjart, etc; culminating at Compañia Nacional de Danza in Spain, where he also started his choreographic career in 2005.

He has a years-long experience ranging from the world’s most renowned classical dance companies to the most independent alternative projects, creating for the Juilliard School in New York, Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Greek National Ballet, Staatsballett Berlin, Teatro Massimo di Palermo, Staatsballett Nürenberg, Gärtnerplatztheater, Prado Museum, Sónar Electronic Music Festival, Madrid en Danza Festival, etc.


Collaborators over the years

SUSANA RIAZUELO: Performer & Set Designer | JOAQUIN SEGADE: Composer | DIMO MILEV: Performer & Choreographer | NICOLAS FISCHTEL: Lighting Designer | SERGIO CORREA: Dramaturg | RINALDO SATA: Photographer & Graphic Designer | FABRICE EDELMANN: Performer & Production manager